The difference between biological pesticides and chemical pesticides

Jun 06,2024

View: 108

Compared with chemical pesticides, biological pesticides have many essential differences in many aspects, such as the source of active ingredients, industrial production methods, insecticidal and disease prevention mechanisms and modes of action of products,and the main differences are as follows:
1. Different sources of synthesis The synthetic source of biological pesticides is the organism itself and its metabolites or biological substances expressed by genes, while the synthetic source of chemical pesticides is organic chemical synthesis.
2.The mechanism of action is different The mechanism of action of biopesticides is nutrient competition, improvement of plant resistance, and active antagonistic substances that specifically kill insects and inhibit bacteria. Chemical pesticides are based on poisonous killing.
3. Different security Bio-pesticides have strong selectivity, are relatively safe to humans and animals, have less impact on non-target organisms, have low or no toxicity, and have less impact on ecological environment pollution. Extensive application of chemical pesticides will lead to increased residues, serious environmental pollution, great lethality to diseases and insect pests, but also kill natural enemies and destroy the ecological balance.
4.Different efficacy Biological pesticides have obvious aftereffects, and pests and diseases are not easy to develop resistance. The control spectrum of chemical pesticides is broad, and the effect is quick and obvious. However, long-term and large-scale use has caused a large increase in drug-resistant pests and diseases.
5.The economy is different Biopesticides have a wide range of raw materials, relatively low production costs, less investment in developing new drugs, and a shorter product development cycle. The industrial production of chemical pesticides is large and easy to realize. There is a large demand in domestic and foreign markets, and the economic benefits are obvious.
